Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Narrative Text

Purpose: to entertain/amuse the readers and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways.
Structure text :
·         Orientation
·         Evaluation
·         Complication
·         Resolution
·         Reorientation
Language features:
Ø  Focus on specific participants
Ø  Use of past tense
Ø  Use of temporal conjuctions and temporal circumstances
Ø  Use of materials (or action) process
Ø  Use of relational and mental process
·      Certain nouns, like as stepsisters, housework,etc
·      Adjectives, like as long black hair
·      Time connectives and conjuctions, like as then, before that, etc
·      Adverb and adverbial phrases, like as here, in the mountain, happily ever after, etc
·      Actions verbs in past tense
·      Saying verb, like as said, told, etc
Thinking verb, like as thought, felt, etc

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