Sunday, March 31, 2013

Example of Report Text (3)

The Whales

          Whales are sea living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meters in langth, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure; its tail consist of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddels (the tail of a fish is vertical), and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). It can be up to 30 meters in thignes and serves to conserve heat and body fluids. 

Example of Report Text (2)


          A tornado is powerfull, twisting wind storm. It is one of the most destructive storms on earth. A tornado is also called a waterspout.
          A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky. It is shaped like a funnel and consist of wind which whirls around and around extremelly fast. In fact, the wind can reach a speed of more than 900 km per hour.
         Most tornados form a long a font (boundary) between cool, dry air and warm, humid air. Weather scientists are unable to know exactly whwn tornados will occur. Furtonately the tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Example of Analytical Exposition (3)

Cars Should be Banned in Cities

          Cars should be banned in a city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road death and other accidents.
          Firsly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnes such as bronchitis, lung cancers, and 'triggers' of asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.
          Secondly, a city is very busy. Pedestrian wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in a city, which causes them to die. Cars, today, are the biggest killers on roads.
          In conclusion, cars should be banned from a city for the reasons listed above.

Example of Analytical Exposition (2)

The Importance of English Language

          I personally think that English is the world's most important language. Why do I say that?
          Firsly, English is an internasional language. It is spoken by many people all over the world, either as a first or second language.
          Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of many countries in the world.
          Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants who master either active or passive English are more favorable than those who don't.
          From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the global era.  

Friday, March 29, 2013

Example of analytical Exposition

Being Fat Matter

          Do you know if you are too fat, you may have serious problems with your health? A group of doctors wrote a report about some of the effects of too much fat.
          One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead to a heart attack, or it may lead to other heart problem.
          In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious disease such as diabetes.
          Furthermore high blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.
          More studies are needed about all these problems. But one thing is clear, extra fat may make your life shorter.

Analytical Exposition

Purpose :  to persuade by presenting arguments and to analyse or explain 'how' and 'way

Text organization :
  •  a thesis
  • arguments
  • reiteration
Language Features :
  • Emotion words (e.g.: alarmed, worried)
  • Words that quality statements (e.g.: usual, probably)
  • Words that link arguments (e.g.: firstly, however, on the other hand, therefore)
  • The use of the present tense
  • The use of compound and complex sentences

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Example of Discussion Text

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nucler Power

Nuclear is generated by using uranium which is inetal mined in various part of the world. The first nuclear chain reaction was produced on December 2, 1942, at the University of Chicago. In 1951, the first experimental breeder reactor was built near ICI,1110 Falls.
  The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbia, England in 1956. The first large nuclear station in the United States was completed in 1957, in Shipping port near Flittsburg.
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plants for engine. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world’s energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It causes no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. If nuclear energy is fully developed , it could supply all the world’s electricity for millions of years.
‘I lie advantages of a twelcar plant are as follows: It much less i’l,. than docs a fossil fuel plant.
It does not produce smoke and carbon dioxide, so it does not riot cntribute to the (-,free
It produces liLi (,e an~ounts ofener-v from a srnall amount of uranium. 11 produce, a stliall, amount of waste.
It is realiable.
On the other hand, a nuclear power is very, very dangerous. The hot waste water h-orn nuclear is dumped into lakes and treams. This can harm animals and plants that live at lower temperature. Another problem involves disposal of fission products, the radioactive wastes produced by reactors. They must be sealed up and buried for many years to the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety, because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major accident. People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 199Ws, nuclear reactor was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.  


Purpose           : to present (at least) two points of view about an issue
Structure text  :
·         Issue
·         Arguments pro and contra
·         Conclusion/recomedations
Language features       :
Ø  General nouns, as uniform, alcohol, etc.
Ø  Relating verbs, to give information about issue that discuss, as smoking is harmfull.
Ø  Thinking verbs,as feel, believe, hope, etc.
Ø  Additives, contrastives, and causal connectives, as similarly, on the and, however, etc.
Ø  Detailed noun groups, as the dumping of unwanted kittens.
Ø  Modalities, as perhaps, must, should, should have been, could be, etc.
Ø  Adverbials of maner, as deliberately, hopefully, etc

Example of Recount Text

Vasco da Gama is best remembered as the first European to sail from European to India. The sea route he found helped Portugal build a rich empire overseas.
Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal, around 1469. As a young man, da Gama studied navigation an astronomy. He went on the serve as an officer in the Portuguese navy. In 1497, the king of Portugal asked da Gamma to find the sea route to India by sailing around Africa. This would allow Portugal tocontrol the rich Indian spice trade. Could da Gamma do it? Earlier Portuguese expendition had rounded the southern trips of Africa. But these trips were long, difficult, and dangerous. Was it possible to travel from Europe to India in a single voyage?
In July 1497, da Gama set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, with four ships. By January 1498, the expendition reached Mozambique on Africa’s southeastern coast. But Arab traders  set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, with four ships. By January 1498, the expendition reached Mozambique on Africa’s southeastern coast. But Arab traders  set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, with four ships. By January 1498, the expendition reached Mozambique on Africa’s southeastern coast. But Arab traders in Mozambique disliked the Portuguese. They drove da Gama away, farther north, on the coast of in Mozambique disliked the Portuguese. They drove da Gama away, farther north, on the coast of Kenya, da Gamma recruited an Arab sailor to guide his ships across the Indian ocean. In may 1498, they reached Calicut on India’s coast. In Calicut, da Gama found pearls, jewels, and wonderful spices for sale. But the king and local merchants refused to trade with the Portuguese. Furious, da Gamma sailed away. He arrived in Portugal 1499 and was honored as hero.
In 1502, da Gama made a second voyage to India. He returned to Calicut with warships and soldiers. Da Gama sank merchant vessels and killed many civilians. The Gama sailed home to Portugal carrying a rich cargo of spice. Portugal soon built a valuable trading empire in India.
In 1524, da Gama made his last voyage to India. The Portuguese king had named da Gama the Governor of Portugal’s possessions there.da Gama died three months after reaching India.

Recount Text

Purpose             : to tell/retell past events/experiences for the purpose of informing or entertaining
Structure text :
·         Orientation → to give information about what, who, where, and when.
·         Events →
·         Reorientation → personal comment
Language features:              
Ø  Focus on individual participants
Ø  Use of past tense
Ø  Focus on a temporal sequence of events
Ø  Use of material (or action) clauses
Ø  Nouns and pronouns
Ø  Action verbs, as go, sleep, run, etc.
Ø  Past tense, as we went to the zoo, we was happy, etc.
Ø  Conjuctions and time connectives
Ø  Adverbs and adverb phrases to tell place, time, and way, as yesterday, at my house, etc
Ø  Adjectives to tell nouns, as beautiful, funny, etc

Example of Report Text

The earth is our environment. The environment includes everything in our surroundings and all the conditions that affect our lives. In the short time human beings have been on earth, we have learned  to change the environment to provide for our needs and luxuries. We have grown plants and domesticated animals; we have cleared forests to open up land for farming; we have mined and refined the earth’s minerals; we have learned to use minerals for fuel and as materials to make tools, houses, and machines.
We use water to wash ourselves, our clothes, and our dishes, to cook our food and in many other ways. Without ample water, our lives would be very different. Life itself could not exist whithout water. It is certain that all living things need water. Every year there are water shortages in various places on earth. The problem is not that. There is not enough water. It is that the right amount of water is not in the right places at the right time.
Water supplies in some areas are gradually being used up. If the biggest natural underground reservoir or the ground-water is being pumped out so fast, the water level is falling about one meter each year. At this rate it will be dry by the year 2020.
In any community the various organisms are linked in a complicated web of relationships. Air, water/sea, and  land are closely related. These are usually in delicate balance with one another. If the natural web is disturbed the results may be disastrous. Most disturbances and destruction come from  man’s activities. And man  is interfering with nature all the time.      


Purpose             : to describe the way things are, with reference to arrange or natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment.

Structure text :
·         General classification
·         Description (parts, qualities, habits or behavior, uses)

Language features:
Ø  Focus on generic participants
Ø  No temporal sequence
Ø  General nouns, as ‘Reptiles in Comodo Island’
Ø  Relating verbs
Ø  Action verbs
Ø  Use of simple present tense
Ø  Pharagraf with topic sentences to arrange some information.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Example of Hortatory Exposition

There are numerous things you can do to minimize your risk of cancer by a third. Research carried out by Harvard University showed one third of the seven million cancer deaths in the world in 2001 could have been avoided if the victims had taken sufficient fruits and vegetables, refrain from smoking, take less salt, sugar and oil, do more exercise, cut down red meat comsumption and wathed their weight. Over indulgence on unhealthy habits are key factors for strokes, cancers, and heart attacks.
Some doctors say cancer is a multi factor disease, it’s combination of generic environment and family history. It has no clear definition to pinpoint to exact risk factor. There is no quarantee that a person who follows good health procedure rigidly will not suffer from stroke, cancer, or health attack. Conversely, there are many who indulge in smoking, drinking and other vice out lived a person who does not indulge in unhealthy living.
In my opinion, this is very subjective issue and advise those who totally ignore the healthy life style to give up, or at least reduce their vice before it’s too late. As for those who follow the healthy life style rigdly to take it easy as a bit of red meat, deep ried food or ice cream occasionally are not going to hurt them. Prevention is better than cure, so go for clinical check up regularly. Consult a doctor immediately if you suspect cancer as early detection and trestment give better chance of cure.  


Purpose: to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case
Structure text :
·         Thesis: statement of writer
·         Arguments: point (main idea) and elaborasi (supporting idea)
·         Recommendation
Language features:
Ø  Focus to issue writer
Ø  Abstract nouns, example policy, government, etc
Ø  Technical verbs, example species of animals
Ø  Relating verbs, example should be, doesn’t seem to be, etc
Ø  Action verb, example we must act
Ø  Thinking verb, example I believe
Ø  Modal verbs, example we must preserve
Ø  Modal adverb, example certainly,wem, etc
Ø  Connectives, example firstly, secondly, etc
Ø  Simple present tense
Ø  Passive voice
Ø  Evaluative language, like as important, valuable, etc

Example of Explanation Text

Speech Production
The gross components of the speech system are the lungs, trachea (windpipe), larynx (organ of speech production), pharyngeal cavity (throat), oral or buccal cavity (mouth), and nasal cavity (nose).
In technical discussions, the pharyngeal and oral cavities are usually grouped into one unit referred to as the vocal tract, and the nasal cavity is often called the nasal tract. Accordingly, the vocal tract begins at the larynx (vocal cords or glottis) and terminates at the input to the lips. The nasal tract begins at the velumand ends at the nostrils. When the velum (a trapdoor like mechanism at the back of the oral cavity) is lowered, the nasal tract is acoustically coupled to the vocal tract to produce the nasal sounds of speech.
Meanwhile, air enters the lungs via the normal breathing mechanism. As air is expelled from the lungs through the trachea, the tensed vocal cords within the larynx are caused to vibrate by the air flow. The airflow is chopped into quasi periodic pulses, which later are modulated in frequency in passing through the throat, the oral cavity, and possibly the nasal cavity. Decoding on the positions of the various articulators (i.e., jaw, tongue, velum, lips, and mouth), different sounds are produced.
In the physiological mechanism for creating speech, the 11.mgs and the associated muscles act as the source of the air for exciting the vocal mechanism. The mucle force pushes air out of the lungs and through the trachea.
When the vocal cords are tensed, the airflow causes them to vibrate, producing so called voiced speech sounds. When the vocal cords are related, in order to produce a sound, the airflow either mut pass through a constriction in the vocal tract and thereby become turbulent, producing so called unvoiced sounds, or it can build up pressure behind a point of the total closure within the vocal tract, and when the closure is opened, the pressure is suddenly and abruptly release, causing a brief transient sound.


Purpose: to explain the processes how/why something occur
Structure text :
·         General statement
·         Explanation
·         Closing
Language features:
Ø  General and abstract nouns, like as word chopping, earthquakes, etc
Ø  Action verbs
Ø  Simple present tense
Ø  Passive voice
Ø  Conjunctions of time and cause
Ø  Noun phrase, like as the temperature
Ø  Adverbial phrases
Ø  Complex sentences
Ø  Text language

Example of Narrative Text

The Woodcutter’s Three Axes
Ivan was so poor that the owned nothing expect the axe he need to earn his living as a woodcutter.
One day, by a stroke of ill fortune, while he was working on the ank of river, the blade of his axe flew off the handle and sank in the river. Poor Ivan was desperately unhappy; now how could he cut the wood which had always earned him the little food that he ate?
His heart felt signs were overheard by a strange, old man. As soon as he was told what happened, the old man dived into the river and reemerged a few moments later, holding up a golden hatchet.
“Is this the one you lost?” he asked. “No, that’s not my hatchet,” Ivan replied.
The old man dived into the river again and came up holding a silver hatchet. “No, that’s not mine either,” the woodcutter confirmed. On the third occasion, the old man came out holding Ivan’s blade. “Yess, that’s mine!” laughed the happy wood cutter.
“Take it. You owe me nothing for the help I have given you. Rather, since you have shown yourself to be neither greedy nor dishonest, you deserve to be rewarded. You can also keep both the golden and the silver axes.”

Narrative Text

Purpose: to entertain/amuse the readers and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways.
Structure text :
·         Orientation
·         Evaluation
·         Complication
·         Resolution
·         Reorientation
Language features:
Ø  Focus on specific participants
Ø  Use of past tense
Ø  Use of temporal conjuctions and temporal circumstances
Ø  Use of materials (or action) process
Ø  Use of relational and mental process
·      Certain nouns, like as stepsisters, housework,etc
·      Adjectives, like as long black hair
·      Time connectives and conjuctions, like as then, before that, etc
·      Adverb and adverbial phrases, like as here, in the mountain, happily ever after, etc
·      Actions verbs in past tense
·      Saying verb, like as said, told, etc
Thinking verb, like as thought, felt, etc

Saturday, March 23, 2013

example of descriptive text

Example of Descriptive Text

The Minangkabau house is the most striking, beautiful, and distinctive in Indonesia. The house it self is built on piles and has an oblong shape. The saddlebacked roof is formed by a load-bearing ridge-beam artistically. Each roof section ends in a graceful horn like which sweeps upward to a narrow point, sometimes tiwes as high as the ridge.
The back part of the family house is divided into small rooms. These are separated from one another by planks, bamboo or cloth and serve as sleeping quarters for the married and marriageable girls. The foreroom contains a large fire place and serves as a communal family room. Often also slept in by children and the unmarried.
The space beneath the floor of the dwelling lodges the domestic stock consisting of buffalos, cows, horses, chickens, and ducks.
Externally, the house is decorated with rectangular panels covered with floral motifs which hide the abutments of the beams which are supporting the floor.
In general, the building is made of wood and bamboo. Various sorts of leaves are used for roofing.

descriptive text


Purpose : To describe particular person, place or thing.

Structure text :
·         Identification : recognition of objects, people or something that will be described.
·         Description: describe the characteristics of the object, for example comes from nowhere, color, size, likes, etc.. This description only provide information about a particular object or person being discussed anyway.

Language features :
Ø  Focus on spesific participants
Ø  Certain nouns, like teacher, house, my rabbit, etc.
Ø  Use of simple present tense.
Ø  Detailed noun phrase to give information about subject. Example She is a sweet young lady.
Ø  Many kinds of adjective that characteristic describing, numbering, classfying, example: two strong legs, two white fangs, etc.
Ø  Relating verbs to give information aboy subject, example: My mam is very beautiful, It has very thick fur, etc.
Ø  Thinking verb and feeling verb to explain personal views about subject, example: The police believe the suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal, etc.
Ø  Action verb, example: Our new puppy bites our shoes.
Ø  Adverbials to add information  about behavior, example: fast, at the tree house.
Figurative language, like : simile, metafor, example: John is white a chalk, sat tight, etc.